Research Policy Institute|University of Lund Sweden Expand view Scheelevagen 15 SE-223 63 Lund Researches science and technology policy and on innovation processes. Specific areas of interest are biomedical innovation systems; regional clusters; transformation of the research and development system; internationalisation of research and development; and intellectual capital and knowledge management. The resource centre is open to the public
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) USA Expand view 525 23rd Street NW Washington DC 20037 PAHO/WHO works with member countries to… … face the threat and reality of pandemic influenza… be prepared for chemical, radiological and technological disasters… cope with climate change, a worldwide phenomenon that is altering the magnitude and frequency of disasters.PAHO is committed to improve disaster preparedness in the health sector and support countries in their response to health needs.
Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Over the last 40 years, we have been gathering knowledge and sharing it with those who want to see poverty reduced and justice restored across the world. Tearfund resources are available to download free of charge including training materials, case studies, international magazine Footsteps and more. The Learning Zone Provides resources, case studies and advice for grassroots church and development workers and development professionals, and in-depth analysis for policymakers.
Disability Division|ActionAid India Expand view C-88, N.D.S.E-II New Delhi 110049
Health and Population Division, Department for International Development (DFID)|Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine UK Expand view Pembroke Place Liverpool L3 5QA
Centre for International Child Health (CICH) UK Expand view Institute for Child Health 30 Guilford Street London WC1N 1EH Specialises in teaching and research in mother and child health and community-based rehabilitation in less developed countries. The CICH runs MSc, diploma as well as shorter courses which are designed for health workers in middle and senior management of community health programmes in developing countries. Source, the resource centre, run in collaboration with Healthlink Worldwide and Handicp International has an extensive range of materials about health issues affecting developing countries, and also houses the Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC) bookshop. Source is open to the general public
Medical Research Council (MRC) UK Expand view 20 Park Crescent London W1N 4AL The MRC promoes and supports high-quality research and postgraduate training in the biomedical and other sciences with the aim of maintaining and improving human health. The MRC has laboratories in Uganda, The Gambia and Jamaica. The Resource Centre is not open to the public
Cente for Societal Development Studies Library, Atma Jaya Catholic University Indonesia Expand view Jl Jend Sudirman 51 Kotak Pos 2639 Jakarta 10001 The CSDS Library should be able to perform as an effective and intelligent communication medium and thus become a significant and active part of a global information system and research network. This means that it should have the ability to: (1) Monitor a broad range of factors, namely, the present research topics of the CSDS's staff and researchers elsewhere; (2) facilitate the physical and intelectual accessability of the above mentioned resources; (3) provide local resources for access by other users; & (4) support national and international collaboration in research and publications activities. The CSDS resorce centre is open to the public
National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) Indonesia Expand view PO Box 1226 JI Percetakan Negara 29 Jakarta 10560 Aims to develop health science and technology by means of promoting partnerships and co-ordinating all potential health research and development resources regularly and continuously; and to encourage decision makers and the community to make use of health science and technology to support policy, assist in resolving health problems and overcome obstacles in implementing the health programme. The library is open to the public
World Bank Publications USA Expand view PO Box 960 Herndon, VA 20172-0960 The World Bank publishes widely, covering a broad range of topics relating to social and economic development. Many documents and reports can be downloaded free online, and books can be purchased via the Online Bookstore. For print material, please see the Distributors and Booksellers page at,,menuPK:64132567~pagePK:64132581~piPK:64132591~theSitePK:379370,00.html
African Books Collective (ABC) UK Expand view PO Box 721 Oxford OX1 9EN African Books Collective, founded, owned and governed by African publishers, seeks to strengthen indigenous African publishing through collective action and to increase the visibility and accessibility of the wealth of African scholarship and culture. ABC markets and distributes African published books globally outside Africa, and publishes resource material for African book and publishing communities. ABC stocks largely English language titles in 56 subject disciplines, including health and development. Some 150 new titles are added each year. There is an emphasis on scholarly and academic books, literature, and general culture titles. There are a small number of children’s titles in Swahili, and some titles in French.
Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian international relief and development agency with more than 40 years' experience. We work with partners and the local church across the world to tackle the complex challenges of poverty. Tearfund is recognised as a leader in its work, integrating community development, disaster response and recovery, disaster risk reduction and advocacy. Tearfund works in more than 50 countries worldwide, in partnership with communities, churches and local organisations to overcome poverty and injustice.
Taylor & Francis Books Ltd UK Expand view 2 Park Square Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4RN Taylor & Francis Group publishes books for all levels of academic study and professional development, across a wide range of subjects and disciplines including Humanities, Social Science, Medicine, Behavioural Science, Law, and the Built Environment.Their imprints include Routledge, CRC Press, Garland Science, Psychology Press, and Focal Press.
Humanitarian Information for All (Human Info NGO) Belgium Expand view Oosterveldlaan 196 B-2610 Antwerp The Humanitarian Information for All (formerly known as Humanity CD-ROM Project) provides access to a complete library containing most solutions, know-how and ideas to tackle poverty and increase the human potential. To this end, it develops low-cost development & basic needs CD-ROM libraries for developing countries.
Cordaid Netherlands Expand view PO Box 16440 2500BK The Haag Cordaid is one of the biggest international development organisations. Together with more than a thousand local organisations, Cordaid fights poverty and injustice in over forty countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe and the Netherlands. Cordaid works to create a permanent healthy, liveable environment and sufficient income for poor and vulnerable groups in cities in developing countries. Particular attention is paid to women, young people, the elderly and refugees. Cordaid is working in the themes of health and care, peace and conflict, access to markets, quality of urban life, the rights and care of marginalised groups, and HIV/AIDS