
All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (APG/PDRH)


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Room 563 Portcullis House
London SW1A 2LW

The APPG is a group of MPs and Peers working together to promote population, development and reproductive health issues. It aims to review popoulaiton policies, family planning programmes, contraceptive techniques and practices, and to review population trends, policies and programmes overseas, and the impact that population growth, structure and distribution has on their programmes of economic and social development and reporoductive health

Development Innovations and Networks (IRED)


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3 rue de Varembé
1211 Geneva 20

IRED are an international network which facilitates exchanges of experiences and communication and organises with faster technical support and institutional capacity strengthening of civil society by working with grass roots groups. The IRED resource centre is open to the public

Comic Relief


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5th Floor
89 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7TP

Comic Relief exists to tackle poverty and promote social justice by helping disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa to realise their aspirations and potential. They do this by raising funds and awareness, and allocating funds donated by the public to charitable projects across the UK and Africa

AIDS Ile Mucadele Derngi (AMD)


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Fahrettin Altay Saglik Ocagi
Uc Kuyulad

A non governmental organisation with the head office in Izmir and 12 branches throughout the country. They have a resource centre open to the public.



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157 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8US

Interhealth provides comprehensive travel health service and supplies for aid workers, mission partners, volunteers and members of voluntary agencies. Services include pre and post-travel medicals, a travel clinic, counselling, debriefing and psychiatric care and advice to agencies and individuals by phone, fax or e-mail. Supplies include a full range of antimalarials, mosquito nets and other travel health supplies. Staff are also available for lectures, seminars and consultancies

Reproductive Health Matters (RHM)


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444 Highgate Studios
53-79 Highgate Road
London NW5 1TL

The RHM journal offers in-depth analysis of reproductive health matters from a women-centred perspective, written by and for women's health advocates, researchers, service providers, policymakers and those in related fields with an interest in women's health. It aims to promote laws, policies, research and services that meet women's reproductive health needs and support women's right to decide whether, when and how to have children. The resource centre is open to the public

World Health Organization (WHO)


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Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27

Charged to act as the world's directing and coordinating authority on suggestions of human health, WHO has developed a host of networks and mechanisms for generating data, applying facts to problems and recommending solutions that will lead to sustained improvements in health. The WHO resource centre is open to the public

Education for Development


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Building 33, University of Reading
London Road
Reading RG1 5AQ

At the request of partner organisations, Education for Development has worked in Africa, Asia and Europe. It offers training, research and consultancy in education and training for adults in literacy, agriculture, multimedia, organisations and small business development. Its core areas of work are within 'non-formal education and training. Providing flexible and context-sensitive services at the request of partner organisations, firmly rooted in commuity partnerships and ownership'. Central to its work is the disssemination and sharing of good practice from its experience as a northern NGO

International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)


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Rue du Marche au Charbon 81
B-1000 Brussels

Forms an international platform of gay and lesbian groups working for the equality of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people and their liberation from all forms of discrimination. Promotes human rights at the international level in all six regions and gives support to its organisations by exchanging information and advocating for gay/lesbian/transexual rights internationally.

Latin American & Caribbean Women's Health Network (LACWHN)


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PO Box 50610
Santiago 1

Isis International is an internatinoal NGO created in 1974 in response to a need expressed by women from different countries for a women's information and communication service. Its fundamental objective is empowering women and encouraging their full participantion in development proccesses through the formation of networks and channels of communication and information. For women to participate fully in their societies, both women themselves and those promoting their participation need to produce and have access to information, channels of communication, and opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences. Their resource centre is open to the public. Its library is not open to the public.

Women's International Network (WIN) News


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187 Grant Street
MA 02420-2126

WIN publishes WIN News, a worldwide communication system by, for and about women of all backgrounds, beliefs, nationalities and age groups. It also informs the general public, institutions and organisations by transmitting internationally information about women and women's groups. It offers technical assistance and consulting services for women's development. WIN also publishes the Childbirth Picture Book/Program, teaching materials on reproduction at a grassroots level, regardless of language or literacy, which includes coordinated books, flip charts and slides

Community Health Works of San Francisco


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1600 Holloway Avenue
HSS 301
San Francisco 94132

Focuses on the health of low income communities, in particular in the health of colored and immigrant communities. It is committed to the diversification of the health care workforce and the elimination of health disparities. Their programmes include the first college-based certificate for community health workers in the USA; an urban health oriented Drug and Alcohol Counsellor training programme; a programme to reintegrate internationally trained health professionals who have immigrated to the USA into the US health system; an urban asthma partnership; and the Regional Health Occupations Resource Centre, which disseminates innovative educational programmes to San Francisco Bay Area regional community colleges
