
National Academies Press


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500 Fifth Street, NW
Lockbox 285
Washington, DC 20055

Publisher for United States National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council.
Plymbridge is the distributor for the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
See regional distributors for other countries.

Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales (ACS Calandria)


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Cahuide 752
Lima 11

Calandria works to generate dialogue between different sectors of society using diverse people- and culture-sensitive communication methodologies. Works to improve women's leadership and civic journalism, to strenghen the local government sector, to promote social vigilance of mass media, and to build the communication skills of other institutions. The Resource Centre is open to public and is able to respond to requests for materials or information. Also produce AIDS Action newsletter (Spanish)

Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC )


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Box CY2720

TARSC aims to provide training, research and support services to civic organisations in areas of social policy. TARSC and the Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre (IHRDC) have developed a toolkit of materials on participatory reflection and action (PRA) methods for research and training for a people centred health system. TARSC publications can be downloaded online

The Centre for Development & Population Activities (CEDPA)


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1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20036

CEDPA is now part of Plan International.  Its approach is to work hand- in -hand with women leaders, local partners and national and international organisations to give women the tools they need to improve their lives, families and communities.

CEDPA's programs:

  • increase educational opportunities for girls and youth;
  • ensure access to lifesaving reproductive health and HIV/AIDS information and services; and
  • strengthen women’s ability to become leaders in their communities and nations

Training and Resources in Early Education (TREE)

South Africa

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PO Box 35173
Northway 4065

TREE is a nonprofit NGO that provides training, resources and support to caregivers, parents & communities engaged in Early Childhood Development (ECD), which is the holistic education, care and development of young children from birth to 7 years of age. TREE's aims are to promote and support quality, sustainable, holistic ECD for children in disadvantaged communities; to provide access for adults, who impact on the lives of young children, to quality training in early childhood education, care and development; and to provide access to a range of low-cost resources for ECD. It provides opportunities for women's empowerment, income generation and community development through partnership and cooperation with the Department of Education and other departments at the local, provincial and national levels, as well as other stakeholders, on health, education and welfare issues that affect the young child. It trains approximately 3000 women a year to implement quality ECD programmes in their communities, throughout KwaZulu Natal and the Eastern Cape. This training improves the educational potential of approximately 80 000 young children annually, many from remote, impoverished rural areas.
TREE has received funding as part of the Community REACH program to investigate new roles for ECD practitioners in supporting orphans and vulnerable children in KwaZulu-Natal province. TREE will use qualitative and quantitative research methods (focus groups and key informants)_ to assess community perceptions of how OVC can best be supported and nurtured. A manual will be produced in Zulu to assist ECD practitioners to identify, care for and support OVCs

Amani Early Childhood Care and Development (Amani ECCD)|Amani Trust Foundation


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PO Box 11245
Dar es Salaam

Amani ECCD advocates for and facilitates integrated, multisectoral approaches to supporting women, families, carers, educators and communities, in their roles of nurturing Tanzania's socially and economically disadvantaged young children. It calls for a commitment from government, donors and communities to ensure the basic foundation stones for the optimal development of the child. Amani's "Early Childhood Care and Education : Foundations of Development Progamme" aims to improve the commitment to holistic ECD support at all levels to inform the development of integrated and multisectoral support to national ECD policies. Its "Building the Foundations of Development : Tanzanian ECD IEC programme" raises awareness of ECD issues with key stakholders and the wider community through a targeted ECD IEC programme. Amani ECD is also the Secretariat of the Tanzania ECD network, a national network of government and non-government ECD related organisations

Disabled Women's Network and Resource Organisation


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Disabled Women's Network and Resource Organisation (DWNRO)
PO Box 3454 Kampala

DWNRO carried out a study (witha grant form ActionAid) about knowledge, attitudes and pratice of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS among disabled women. The study showed that disabled people, particularly the women, lack knowledge and access to reproductive health services in the country. It also aimed to establish the constraints faced by disabled women while seeking reproductive health services. It shows that many disabled women cannot easily access family planning and HIV/AIDS information from mass media, nor can they insist on having protected sex. The study points out that high levels of poverty, rape and non-use of contraceptives are the most common factors, which predispose disabled women to unwanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS

M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF)


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Third Cross Street
Taraman Institutional Area
Chennai 600 113

MSSRF is doing research in five areas, coastal systems; biodiversity and biotechnology; ecotechnology and sustainable agriculture; reaching the unreached; and education, communication, training and capacity building. The flagship project of the Informatics Group is the Information Village Research Project, which has now transferred to the National Virtual Academy for Food Security and Rural Prosperity. Apart from the headquarters at Chennai, the MSSRF has many field centres in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. MSSRF works with underpriveleged groups including dalits and tribal populations.

Mongolian Family Welfare Association (MFWA)


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Chingeltei Duureg
5-R Khoroo 6-R Khoroolol
Build 7 Room 41

MFWA's mission is to enhance the health status of the Mongolian people by providing quality sexual and reproductive health services through close collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organisations. Its programmes include providing family planning and reproductive health services in selected rural and urban areas; improving family life education; publishing training materials and literature on family planning issues and developing and disseminating information, education and communication (IEC) materials. The Association is presently pioneering family life education among adolescents, and working with more than 16,000 volunteers in 11 provinces throughout the country. MFWA is an associate member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and a member of the Human Development and Reproductive Health/Rights Network.

Family Health International (FHI)


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PO Box 13950
Research Triangle Park
NC 27709

Works to improve reproductive and family health around the world through bio-medical and social science research, innovative health service delivery interventions, and training and information programmes. It works in partnership with universities, ministries of health and NGOs, conducting on-going projects in the USA and more than 40 developing countries. The resource centre is open to the public

Kumarian Press


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1294 Blue Hills Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002

Kumarian Press caters for information needs around development, globalisation, conflict and peace, gender, civil society, NGOs, microfinance and health. Catalogue and ordering form available online.

Central Council of Disabled Persons (CCODP)

Sri Lanka

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PO Box 05
Kinigama Rd
Bandarawela 90100

CCODP aims:
1. To encourage persons interested to organize as groups for the common development of disabled.
2. To encourage groups of disabled and help them in every possible way to speak for themselves at National level.
3. To introduce CBR as the most appropriate, effective and cost-effective method for rural areas.
4. To make training facilities available to help implementers of CBR in every possible way to render a better service to the community.

Medical Missionaries of Mary


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Communications Department
Rosemount Terrace
County Dublin

The Medical Missionaries of Mary organisation was established in 1937 and currently works in 12 countries in Africa and South America. The organisation is composed of 400 women of different nationalities, who live in small multicultural religious communities. The organisation places great emphasis on community based healthcare, but also establishes hospitals and health centres. Safe motherhood and care of young infants is of a primary concern. The organisation is also involved in mental health, control of leprosy and HIV & AIDS. HIV & AIDS programmes involve counselling, testing, peer-to-peer education, advocacy, orphan support and guardian programmes.

Morning Bird Social Welfare Organization (MBSWO)


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Subid Bazar
Reaz Mansion
Sylhet 3100

MBSWO is a multi-purpose, a-political and not for profit welfare organisation. It aims to reach the poorest of the poor: women, chilren, unemployed youths, the homeless and the disabled. Programmes include formal & informal education, drugs awareness and prevention, treatment & prevention of TB, measles, MUMPS, and Hepatitis B and C. The health programmes are school and community based. In addition, the organisation runs a mental health and addiction hospital alongside a disabled beggar employment project.
