
AIDS Consortium

South Africa

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PO Box 31104
Bramfontein 2017

The AIDS consortium is a human rights organisation committed to openness about HIV/AIDS and non-discrimination on the basis of HIV/AIDS. The Consortium runs a network that supports people dealing with HIV/AIDS issues and a resource centre and undertakes advocacy and lobbying on key HIV/AIDS issues. Street address: 4th Floor, Auckland House, 185 Smit Street, Cnr Smit & Biccard Streets, Braamfontein 2001 The Resource Centre is open to the public

AIDS NGOs Network in East Africa (ANNEA)


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P.O.Box 6187

AIMS To promote networking and experience sharingamong ANNEA members for the purpose of improving and strengtheding their efforts To facilitate networking among AIDS related NGOs in the other 8 countries of Eastern Africa To strengthen the capacity of AIDS NGOs to design and impliment task focused, result orientated, cost effective and sustainable programmes To strengthen the organisational development and capacity of ANNEA To facilitate the greater involvment of PLHAs in HIV/AIDS prevention and care To advocate for Human Rightd in relation to HIV/AIDS

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA)


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Palais des Nations
Geneva 10

OCHA's mission is to mobilise and coordinate the collective efforts of the international community, in particular those of the UN system, to meet in a coherent and timely manner, the needs of those exposed to human suffering and material destruction in disaster and emergencies. This involves reducing vulnerability, promoting solutions to the root causes and facilitating the smooth transition from relief to rehabliltation and development

Sex Worker Education Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT)

South Africa

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1st Floor
Community House
41 Salt River Road
PO Box 373
Woodstock 7915
Cape Town

Involves adult sex workers in developing a model service organisation that works towards empowerment of adult sex workers; decriminalisation of adult sex workers; access to police, legal, health and social welfare systems; fair and safe working conditions; and promotion of safer sex work. It is planning to develop a resource centre and open it to the public

Association for Health and Environmental Dvt (AHED)


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17 Beirut Street
Apartment #501
Heliopolis, Cairo

AHED's objectives are to assist in identifying appropriate strategies and policies in areas of health, disability and environment which particularly respond to the needs of the most disadvantaged and marginalised groups; to raise awareness and advocate around these issues through campaigning, dissemination of information and training; to develop the development of grassroots comprehensive interventions and models through which these strategies can be tested, evaluated and lessons learned disseminated; to help strengthen cooperation and integration amongst diferent bodies working in the above areas; and to facilitate and assist in the empowerment of marginalised groups through the development of organisations representing their interests. Its resource centre is open to the public

Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR)


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Vrolikstraat 453 - D
1092 TJ Amsterdam

A network of groups and individuals in every continent who are working for and support reproductive rights for women everywhere and strives for women's right to self-determination in keeping with their freedom, dignity and personally-held values. The WGNRR resource centre is open to the public

Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Suiluppo (AIDoS)


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Via de Giubbonari 30
00186 Rome

Works for women's empowerment through positive actions. Focusses on women's reproductive health, micro-enterprise development, female genital mutilation, institutional development and women's rights. The resource centre is open to the public

The Global Health Council


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20 Palmer Court
White River Junction
VT 05001

This is the world's largest membership alliance dedicated to advancing policies and programs that improve health around the world. GHC has built a global coalition that promotes improvement and equity in health for all the world's citizens. Their mission is to mobilise effective action by advocating for needed policies and resources, building networks and alliances among those working to improve health, and communicating innovative ideas, knowledge and best practices in the health field

National Academies Press


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500 Fifth Street, NW
Lockbox 285
Washington, DC 20055

Publisher for United States National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council.
Plymbridge is the distributor for the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
See regional distributors for other countries.

Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales (ACS Calandria)


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Cahuide 752
Lima 11

Calandria works to generate dialogue between different sectors of society using diverse people- and culture-sensitive communication methodologies. Works to improve women's leadership and civic journalism, to strenghen the local government sector, to promote social vigilance of mass media, and to build the communication skills of other institutions. The Resource Centre is open to public and is able to respond to requests for materials or information. Also produce AIDS Action newsletter (Spanish)

AfriAfya (African Network for Health Knowledge Management and Communication)


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AMREF Building
PO Box 27576-00506

AfriAfya, African Network for Health Knowledge Management and Communication, is exploring use of modern information and communication technologies for community health among rural poor. AfriAfya collects, sorts and disseminates information to local change agents trained to combine modern and traditional means of spreading information ‘beyond the computer’ to their communities for social transformation. AfriAfya sees communication as a two-way process. It has demonstrated methods of applying ICTs, operated by simply educated community members, to yield health and other benefits. Improved facility performance, discussions within communities of sensitive HIV/AIDS issues, increased requests for voluntary counselling and testing, and condom uptake indicate effect. The change agents have described their involvement in AfriAfya as having changed their lives, and made it easier for them to serve their communities. The system used by AfriAfya can be applied for other types of development information
