Development Bookshop UK Expand view c/o ITDG Publishing Bourton Hall Bourton-on-Dunsmore Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 9QZ is operated by Practical Action Publishing (the new trading name for Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd.) and offers a wide range of titles on international development and related issues from Practical Action Publishing and other publishers. Publishes a range of practical manuals, directories, bibliographies, case studies and three journals
African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) Kenya Expand view AMREF Book Distribution Unit Langata Road PO Box 30125 Nairobi AMREF aims to improve the health of disadvantaged people in Africa, improve the quality of their lives and reduce poverty. It focuses on six priority intervention areas: HIV/AIDS, TB and Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Malaria; Safe Water and Basic Sanitation; Family Health; Clinical Services, Disaster Management and Emergency Response; and Training and Health Learning Materials. AMREF’s activities include: developing, testing and promoting the adoption of models for improving health and reducing poverty; training and capacity building at all levels; and contributing to the development of an environment that enables health and wealth improvement. AMREF has developed e-centres or online databases, providing access to thousands health information resources, and accessible from AMREF website. It also runs a bookshop offering a wide range of low-cost health learning materials
African Books Collective (ABC) UK Expand view PO Box 721 Oxford OX1 9EN African Books Collective, founded, owned and governed by African publishers, seeks to strengthen indigenous African publishing through collective action and to increase the visibility and accessibility of the wealth of African scholarship and culture. ABC markets and distributes African published books globally outside Africa, and publishes resource material for African book and publishing communities. ABC stocks largely English language titles in 56 subject disciplines, including health and development. Some 150 new titles are added each year. There is an emphasis on scholarly and academic books, literature, and general culture titles. There are a small number of children’s titles in Swahili, and some titles in French.
Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian international relief and development agency with more than 40 years' experience. We work with partners and the local church across the world to tackle the complex challenges of poverty. Tearfund is recognised as a leader in its work, integrating community development, disaster response and recovery, disaster risk reduction and advocacy. Tearfund works in more than 50 countries worldwide, in partnership with communities, churches and local organisations to overcome poverty and injustice.
Women, Ink.|International Women's Tribune Centre USA Expand view 777 United Nations Plaza New York NY 10017 Women, Ink. distributes resources on women and development. It aims to give visibility to books published in the South, and topics include: armed conflicts and peace process, media and information, communication technologies and gender and institutions, health and reproductive rights. Includes publications from international organisations and small presses in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Books can be ordered online.
National Academies Press USA Expand view 500 Fifth Street, NW Lockbox 285 Washington, DC 20055 Publisher for United States National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council. Plymbridge is the distributor for the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. See regional distributors for other countries.
International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) Netherlands Expand view Raamweg 5 PO Box 11586 2502 AN The Hague The International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) assists developing countries to realise locally owned sustainable development by harnessing the potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs). IICD works with its partner organisations in selected countries, helping local stakeholders to assess the potential uses of ICTs in development. It also strengthens the capacities of local partners to formulate, implement and manage development policies and projects that make use of ICTs. IICD's philosophy is that ICTs are tools that can contribute to sustainable development and poverty alleviation. However, this only applies when ICTs are supporting existing development activities. Therefore, IICD focuses on 'traditional' development sectors, such as education, good governance, health, livelihood opportunities (especially agriculture) and environment.
Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales (ACS Calandria) Peru Expand view Cahuide 752 Lima 11 Calandria works to generate dialogue between different sectors of society using diverse people- and culture-sensitive communication methodologies. Works to improve women's leadership and civic journalism, to strenghen the local government sector, to promote social vigilance of mass media, and to build the communication skills of other institutions. The Resource Centre is open to public and is able to respond to requests for materials or information. Also produce AIDS Action newsletter (Spanish)
Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC ) Zimbabwe Expand view Box CY2720 Causeway Harare TARSC aims to provide training, research and support services to civic organisations in areas of social policy. TARSC and the Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre (IHRDC) have developed a toolkit of materials on participatory reflection and action (PRA) methods for research and training for a people centred health system. TARSC publications can be downloaded online
The Centre for Development & Population Activities (CEDPA) USA Expand view 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 100 Washington, DC 20036 CEDPA is now part of Plan International. Its approach is to work hand- in -hand with women leaders, local partners and national and international organisations to give women the tools they need to improve their lives, families and communities.CEDPA's programs:increase educational opportunities for girls and youth;ensure access to lifesaving reproductive health and HIV/AIDS information and services; andstrengthen women’s ability to become leaders in their communities and nations
Working Group on Early Childhood Development|Association for the Development of Education in Africa Mozambique Expand view Royal Netherlands Embassy PO Box 1163 Maputo The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is a partnership between African ministers of education and their international partners. It provides a platform for exchange and dialogue on issues that affect the development of education in Africa. Much of ADEA’s work is carried out through a number of working groups formed round these issues. The Working group on Early Childhood Development (WGECD) was set up in 1996 with the aim of encouraging and supporting national governments in Africa to commit to and invest in ECD. The WGECD organised the conference on early childhood development in Accra in Ghana in 2005, entitled ' to advance the development of early childhood in Africa'. The main goals were to (i) ensure effective caring practices within the family and the community, (ii) ensure access to quality basic services and (iii) ensure a supportive policy environment
Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO) Kenya Expand view PO Box 69866 00400 Nairobi The Consortium was established in 1990 with the goal of strengthening the HIV/AIDS prevention and care initiatives of its members. Consortium members meet regularly to exchange information on activities, share resources and materials, encourage good working relationships with government bodies and promote activities at a village level. KANCO exists to provide and promote leadership, solidarity and collaboration among members for collective action towards effective responses to HIV/AIDS. Its objectives are to establish a networking system among NGOs, religious organizations, the private sector, government, local and international organizations; to make available factual information and IEC materials on STIs and HIV/AIDS; to provide a forum for sharing experiences, resources and promoting collaborative effort; to build capacity among members to provide quality services in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic; to complement government efforts in the control of HIV/AIDS in the spirit of partnership; and contribute towards the review and articulation of relevant policies. KANCO members are supported by a resource centre that aims to collect and disseminate practical, locally relevant information on HIV and AIDS
Amani Early Childhood Care and Development (Amani ECCD)|Amani Trust Foundation Tanzania Expand view PO Box 11245 Dar es Salaam Amani ECCD advocates for and facilitates integrated, multisectoral approaches to supporting women, families, carers, educators and communities, in their roles of nurturing Tanzania's socially and economically disadvantaged young children. It calls for a commitment from government, donors and communities to ensure the basic foundation stones for the optimal development of the child. Amani's "Early Childhood Care and Education : Foundations of Development Progamme" aims to improve the commitment to holistic ECD support at all levels to inform the development of integrated and multisectoral support to national ECD policies. Its "Building the Foundations of Development : Tanzanian ECD IEC programme" raises awareness of ECD issues with key stakholders and the wider community through a targeted ECD IEC programme. Amani ECD is also the Secretariat of the Tanzania ECD network, a national network of government and non-government ECD related organisations
Association François-Xavier Bagnaud (AFXB) Switzerland Expand view Avenue de la Gare 29 1950 Sion AFXB is a global activist group. Its activities include support for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, efforts to contain AIDS and diminish the hardship it causes, attempts to improve the situation of orphans and children left out of society's safety net in the world. These activities coupled with vocal interventions and written advocacy statements bridge the divide between those working in the field and decision makers who determine policy and funding AFXB set up the AIDS Orphans Assistance database (
Children First South Africa Expand view 2201/4 Commercial City 40 Commercial Road Durban 4000 Children First is committed to presenting African perspectives on the situation of children in South Africa and Africa. In addition to producing the newsletter ChildrenFIRST Children First has also created the space for children to be heard through specially convened Children's Voices workshops. It is also involved in a number of networks in the children's sector be they for the purposes of lobbying, advocacy, policy discussions, or the sharing of experiences and knowledge