
Matabeleland AIDS Council (MAC)


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PO Box 1280

MAC provide public education and research on HIV prevention and care. They run a youth programme and workplace programme, counselling, information, training and prevention. Their two resource centres are in `high density housing' areas of Bulawayo. They are open to the public. Actual Address: 97a Josiah Tongagara St.

African Rehabilitation Institute (ARI)


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P O Box 4056

ARI is a pan-African Network programme for manpower development and research, in the field of rehabilitation and disability prevention. ARI collaborates with African Governments, African and International NGOs, International organisations and UN specialised agencies to assist member states to enchance disability prevention and rehabilitation services and to ensure the inclusion of disabled persons in all aspects of life. The ARI resource centre is open to the public

L'Association de Cooperation en Tunisie (ACT)


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BP 145
1080 Tunis-Cedex

ACT works in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Tunisia and recognised national, international and non Governmental organisations. ACT prioritises action which will impact those disadvantaged through poverty, unequal opportunity or social marginalisation. ACT seeks to be a catalyst for change creating partnerships that will facilitate the exchange of beneficial attitude and skills

Malawi Against Polio (MAP)


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P O Box 256

Aim to help people with disabilites of all ages towards independance. Particularly focusing on those with mobility problems. Those suffering from polio, paralysis, paraplegia, tatraplegia, hemiplegia and other disabilities. Also those suffering development delay such as cerebral palsy. Assessments and provision of adapted appliancdes

National Council of Disabled Persons of Zimbabwe (NCDPZ)


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P O Box 1952

Aims to promote the full integration of disabled persons into society; to promote active participation of disabled persons in the planning, implementation and decision-making processes that affect their own lives; to develop and support grassroots disabled persons in both rurala and urban areas to speak out for their interests and their concerns; and to create a society where all disabled people enjoy equal opportunities

Uganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC)


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P O Box 16346

The principal aim of USOC is to provide the necessary resources and opportunities for children with disabilities to achieve their potential and lead fulfilling lives. Its objectives are community education about disability, transfer of knowlesge and skills, direct assistance to individual children and support to provision of essential services. The USOC resource centre is open to the public

People Potential


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Plum Cottage
Hattingley, Alton
Hants GU34 5NQ

People Potential aims to run practical training in conjunction with individuals or organisations concerned with development of designing and manufacuring abilities at individual and community level. Research into the effectiveness of designs, local materials and training, preparation of publications and working for short periods alongside community members and professionals
