Ministry of Health and Population (MOH&P) Malawi Expand view PO Box 30377 Lilongwe 3 Aims to promote child health; to eradicate diseases; to reduce maternal mortality; and increase public awareness of HIV/AIDS through campaigning. The resource centre is open to the public
Ministry of Health and Quality of Life Mauritius Expand view Level 5 Emmanuel Anquetil Building Port Louis
National AIDS Programme Zambia Expand view PO Box 30205 Ministry of Health Ndeke House, Lusaka The Ministry of Health aims to provide equity of access to cost effective quality health care, as close to the family as possible. We coordinate and liaise with Ministries of Education, and Community Development and Social Services (CDSS), and also work with NGOs and international organisations involved in the delivery health services
Department of Health Papua New Guinea Expand view PO Box 807 Waigani The resource centre is open to public
AIDS Coordination Bureau|c/o KIT Netherlands Expand view PO Box 95001 1090 HA Amsterdam A resource centre on on reprodctive health and HIV/AIDS. Resource centre is open to the public
GTZ Regional AIDS Programme for Africa (GTZ - RAPA) Ghana Expand view PO Box 9698 KIA North Labone, Accra Aims & Objectives: To promote the integration of HIV/AIDS activities in GTZ projects in Africa To contribute to the international partnership against AIDS in Africa (c/o UNAIDS) To share information and documentation with partners
National AIDS Coordination Programme (NACP) Zimbabwe Expand view 2nd floor, Mukwati Building PO Box CY1122 Causeway, Harare NACP id responsible for coordinating the national multisectorial response to HIV/AIDS and TB in Zimbabwe. It is also responsible for coordinating the specific health sector response to HIV/AIDS with special focus on treatment and care, prevention and control of HIV/AIDS, counselling and testing, condom promotion and prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. The NACP resource centre is open to the public
National Council on Women and Development (NCWD) Ghana Expand view P O Box 304 Sekondi NCWD's objectives are to advise the government on all matters relating to the full integration of women into national development; to serve as the official national body liasing with national and international organisations on matters relating to the status of women; and to collect and disseminate information relating to gender and development and to undertake and encourage intervention work regarding gender issues. The resource centre is open to the public
National Council on Women and Development (NCWD) Ghana Expand view PO Box 38 Kumasi NCWD's goal is to promote the advancement of women in Ghana by enhancing women's participation in development and in the long run to eliminate inequality between the sexes, thereby raising the standard of living on a broad national basis. The NCWD resoucrce centre is open to the public
African Rehabilitation Institute (ARI) Zimbabwe Expand view P O Box 4056 Harare ARI is a pan-African Network programme for manpower development and research, in the field of rehabilitation and disability prevention. ARI collaborates with African Governments, African and International NGOs, International organisations and UN specialised agencies to assist member states to enchance disability prevention and rehabilitation services and to ensure the inclusion of disabled persons in all aspects of life. The ARI resource centre is open to the public
Central Board of Health (CBOH) Zambia Expand view PO Box 32588 Lusaka Provides comprehensive health policy guidelines and strategies for effective health care delivery at all levels as well as the monitoring and evaluation of health programmes. CBoH has a resource centre that is open to the public. It has a countrywide network of hospitals and clinics.
Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC) Tanzania Expand view PO Box 977 Ocean Road No 22 Dar es Salaam This is an autonomous institution under the umbrella of the Ministry of Health. It has the mandate of initiating and coordinating nutrition interventions, as well as carrying out research and advising the government and related institutions on all matters concerning food and nutrition. Resource Centre open to the public
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Germany Expand view Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn GTZ provides viable, forward-looking solutions for political, economic, ecological and social development in a globalised world. Supports complex reforms and change processes. All activities are geared to improving people’s living conditions and prospects on a sustainable basis. GTZ publishes numerous specialist texts and information brochures on its work, covering a wide range of topics, including rural development, economic development, environment, health, education and good governance. Publications can be downloaded or ordered online.
Medical Research Council (MRC) UK Expand view 20 Park Crescent London W1N 4AL The MRC promoes and supports high-quality research and postgraduate training in the biomedical and other sciences with the aim of maintaining and improving human health. The MRC has laboratories in Uganda, The Gambia and Jamaica. The Resource Centre is not open to the public
All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (APG/PDRH) UK Expand view Room 563 Portcullis House Westminster London SW1A 2LW The APPG is a group of MPs and Peers working together to promote population, development and reproductive health issues. It aims to review popoulaiton policies, family planning programmes, contraceptive techniques and practices, and to review population trends, policies and programmes overseas, and the impact that population growth, structure and distribution has on their programmes of economic and social development and reporoductive health