
Research Policy Institute|University of Lund


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Scheelevagen 15
SE-223 63 Lund

Researches science and technology policy and on innovation processes. Specific areas of interest are biomedical innovation systems; regional clusters; transformation of the research and development system; internationalisation of research and development; and intellectual capital and knowledge management. The resource centre is open to the public

Save the Children, Sweden|Radda Barnen


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SE – 107 88 Stockholm

Save the Children Sweden is an active member of the International Save the Children Alliance. Outside of Sweden, Save the Children Sweden often works with domestic organisations so that they in turn can affect decision makers and legislation. They give financial support for short term projects, but mainly focus nationally and internationally on supporting, starting-up and running long term projects for children's rights. They work on projects with children of all ages, but have recently begun to explore the concept of human rights and 'evolving capacities' of young children, in particular regarding their work on young children and families. They supported a publication produced by the Innocenti Research Centre, UNICEF entitled: 'The evolving capacities of the child'
