
Ministry of Health and Population (MOH&P)


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PO Box 30377
Lilongwe 3

Aims to promote child health; to eradicate diseases; to reduce maternal mortality; and increase public awareness of HIV/AIDS through campaigning. The resource centre is open to the public

Malawi Against Polio (MAP)


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P O Box 256

Aim to help people with disabilites of all ages towards independance. Particularly focusing on those with mobility problems. Those suffering from polio, paralysis, paraplegia, tatraplegia, hemiplegia and other disabilities. Also those suffering development delay such as cerebral palsy. Assessments and provision of adapted appliancdes

Malawi Union of the Blind


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PO Box 597

Malawi Union of Blind is using a small grant from Voluntary Service Oversea's Regional AIDS Initiative of Southern Africa (RAISA) to raise the awareness of young blind students and the people around them about HIV/AIDS and change their behaviour. Using the grant, the Union is training blind students and distributing Braille HIV/AIDS information, education and communication material to the blind

Malawi News Agency (MANA)


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The Malawi News Agency (MANA) is the news gathering and dissemination organ of the Malawi Government under the Ministry of Information. MANA, as an institution, collects, packages and disseminates information in the form of news and photographs through print and electronic media