
Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Suiluppo (AIDoS)


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Via de Giubbonari 30
00186 Rome

Works for women's empowerment through positive actions. Focusses on women's reproductive health, micro-enterprise development, female genital mutilation, institutional development and women's rights. The resource centre is open to the public

Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


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Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome

The United Nations attempt to meet the demands posed by major global trends in agricultural development and challenges faced by member nations.  

The FAO aims to support members in their efforts to ensure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food. We can help by supporting policies and political commitments that promote food security and good nutrition and by making sure that up-to-date information about hunger and malnutrition challenges and solutions is available and accessible.

HIV/AIDS and Food Security|Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


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Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome

FAO's mandate to improve nutrition and food security, sustainable agriculture and rural development has lead it to work on developing a comprehensive HIV and AIDS strategy for the agriculture sector. FAO's efforts in policy development, advocacy, training and capacity-building relating to HIV and AIDS focus on mitigating the impact of and preventing HIV and AIDS. It monitors the impact of HIV and AIDS on food security and supports member countries in their efforts to prevent the worsening of the epidemic and to mitigate its negative effects on food security and nutrition. All of its technical departments, as well as some regional and sub-regional offices are developing relevant activities in their own areas of work. In the 'HIV and Food Security' website, the 'Responses' section includes a page on mainstreaming HIV and AIDS, with useful links:
