
Hope Worldwide CI|Centre d'Assistance Socio-Médicale (CASM)

Côte d'Ivoire

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BP 1021
Cidex 06

CASM aims to: Provide comprehensive care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and those affected. Develop a care continum both locally and nationally. Strengthen the community capacity and response to HIV/AIDS. Provide a forum for discussion and information transfer on subjects realted to HIV/AIDS. Use effective participatory prevention strategies among youth and other vulnerable groups. Promote an effective network of NGOs

Lumiere Action

Côte d'Ivoire

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14 BP2101

Aims to give psychological and social support to people living with HIV. To provide information to help the prevention of HIV. To fight for the rights of people living with HIV as well as many other discriminations. To promote the access to clinical carre and therapy treatment.
Resource centre open to the public

Club Des Amis (CDA)

Côte d'Ivoire

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06 PO Box 1021
Cedex 1

An association of people living with HIV/AIDS whose aims are to restore the dignity of people living with HIV/AIDS; promote brotherhood and friendship among people living with HIV/AIDS; and assure the social well-being of poeple living with HIV/AIDS