National AIDS Programme Zambia Expand view PO Box 30205 Ministry of Health Ndeke House, Lusaka The Ministry of Health aims to provide equity of access to cost effective quality health care, as close to the family as possible. We coordinate and liaise with Ministries of Education, and Community Development and Social Services (CDSS), and also work with NGOs and international organisations involved in the delivery health services
Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Over the last 40 years, we have been gathering knowledge and sharing it with those who want to see poverty reduced and justice restored across the world. Tearfund resources are available to download free of charge including training materials, case studies, international magazine Footsteps and more. The Learning Zone Provides resources, case studies and advice for grassroots church and development workers and development professionals, and in-depth analysis for policymakers.
Family Health Trust (FHT) Zambia Expand view PO Box E243 Lusaka FHT contributes to NGOs' response to the impact of HIV and AIDS in Zambia and is involved in projects to promote anti-AIDS clubs and other activities for young people, a drop-in information service, care and support for orphans and home-based care .
Southern African Network of AIDS Service Organisations (SANASO) Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 6690 Harare SANASO is a network which aims to strengthen the effectiveness and co-ordination of the NGO, FBO and CBO response to HIV/AIDS in the southern Africa region by encouraging information exchange between NGOs and liaison with national AIDS Control Programmes. With a current membership of over 1000 organisations in 10 member countries, network activities are co-ordinated through its secretariat office in Harare.
Salvation Army Chikankata Health Services Zambia Expand view Private Bag S2 Mazabuka The aim of the organisation is to encourage community participaiton and ownership of personal health. Its objectives are to deliver holistic health as close to the family as possible
German Development Cooperation Health Systems Research GTZ-HSR Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 2406 Highlands Harare The programme has the overall objective to improve reproductive health services and facilitate health care reforms in the Southern African Region through health systems research, within the different countries themselves as well as at an inter-country level. Through this regional approach, it will contribute to the strengthening of communication and collaboration between neighbouring countries (South-South co-operation). Special emphasis is laid on practical, decentralised research, which can be directly translated into action. Resource Centre onpen to the public
St Francis Hospital Zambia Expand view Private Bag 11 Katete This is a district general hospital, supplying first level services to a catchment population of 200 000, and second level surgical services to a population of 1 million. There is a nursing and midwifery training school, and it also acts as a training hospital for medical students, both local and abroad. The resource centre is not open to the public
College of Health Sciences|University of Nairobi Kenya Expand view PO Box 19676 Nairobi Resource Centre is open to the public. Hospital/clinic bedsize 2000
Luanshya Humanist Society Zambia Expand view PO Box 230 Mpatamatu Luanshya Copper Belt The main aim of the Society is to promote community-based health programmes such as to teach and disseminate health education information to the community on prevention of communicable disease, promote family planning, to train young people on vocational courses especially design, and tailoring
Central Board of Health (CBOH) Zambia Expand view PO Box 32588 Lusaka Provides comprehensive health policy guidelines and strategies for effective health care delivery at all levels as well as the monitoring and evaluation of health programmes. CBoH has a resource centre that is open to the public. It has a countrywide network of hospitals and clinics.
Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) UK Expand view 24 Eversholt Street London NW1 1AD THET assists those who are responsible for training health care workers in the poorer countries of the world to reach their goals, so that they are able to prepare those who are being trained in the most appropriate and effective way for the tasks that they will be called to do, relevant to the needs of local communities. THET works with institutions and does not respond to individual applications for help. Much of the work of the Trust is to enable individuals to reach their goals set for them in the context of their home University or other instituation. To work with partners in Africa to strengthen healthcare training. By responding to their needs and working over long time scales we aim to help our partners to achieve their goals. Our work builds on the existing infrastructure and compliments the efforts of health authorities. We have been established for 15 years and have long term relationships with health institutions and professionals in over 8 african countries and with more than 18 UK hospital trusts.
International Family Health (IFH) UK Expand view 40 Adler Street London E1 1EE IFH aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health of disadvantaged people in resource-poor settings, based on the principles of empowering women and men to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health; meeting unmet needs; increasing access to integrated and high quality services; gender equity; and diversity of families
Find Your Feet UK Expand view 37-39 Great Guildford St London SE1 0ES FYF is creating opportunities for the rural poor to build a sustainable livelihood
Inter Care (Medical Aid for Africa) UK Expand view 46 The Halcroft Syston Leicester LE7 1LD Aims to support the medical work of African Catholic nuns in rural areas in the specified countries. The support also includes workshops on diabetes and other relevant topics
Finnish Disabled People's International Development Association (FIDIDA) Finland Expand view Lintulahdenkatu 10, 00500 Helsinki Finland FIDIDA is together with its member organizations implementing a programme called the Finnish Disability and Development Partnership, which aims at the full realization of the human rights of persons with disabilities living in the Global South. FIDIDA also offers training and consultation in disability related development cooperation, and lobbies for the mainstreaming of disability issues in national and international development policy