Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Over the last 40 years, we have been gathering knowledge and sharing it with those who want to see poverty reduced and justice restored across the world. Tearfund resources are available to download free of charge including training materials, case studies, international magazine Footsteps and more. The Learning Zone Provides resources, case studies and advice for grassroots church and development workers and development professionals, and in-depth analysis for policymakers. http://tilz.tearfund.org
Nigerian Medical Forum UK (NMF) UK Expand view 65 Warden Hill Road Luton LU2 7AE Bedfordshire Supplements the effort of the government and health professionals in Nigeria and West Africa to improve the healthcare system and the dissemination of health information and education none
Lizie Dan La Main, Union des Areugles de L'Ile Maurice Mauritius Expand view Louis Pasteur Street Forest-Side The organisation aims to help blind people to integrate into society through action across many fields: Education by providing pre-primary and primary teaching in Braille. Vocational Training through the manufacture of a variety of baskets, picture frames, etc. Sports for leisure and competitions. Musical groups offering good prospects to the young by enabling them to become efficient musicians. In the near future the organisation will be offering training in Computer Studies to help them find a job. The resource centre is open to the public
National Children's Bureau (NCB) UK Expand view NCB Book Sales 8 Wakley Street London EC1V 7QE The National Children Bureau (NCB) is a charitable organisation that acts as an umbrella body for oraganisations working for children in England and Northern Ireland. NCB offers a range of services to both members and non-members, including: library and information service; conference facilities; event management; consultancy. NCB is also a publisher in the field of children's services and children's studies. Titles can be browsed and ordered via the online bookshop. http://www.ncb.org.ukhttp://www.ncb-books.org.uk (online bookshop)
King's Fund UK Expand view 11-13 Cavendish Square London W1M 0AN The King's Fund works to improve the health of Londoners, with specific reference to reducing health inequalities, promoting the benefits of diversity and incresing the public's voice on health policy and practice. The King's Fund resource centre is open to the public http://www.kingsfund.org.uk
Faculty of Engineering|University of Bristol UK Expand view Queen's Buildings Bristol BS8 1TR Provides targetted, vocational, lifelong learning utilising the excellent educational skills of practitioners within institutions of high academic standing http://wwwfen.bris.ac.uk
World Development Movement (WDM) UK Expand view 25 Beehive Place London SW9 7QR Britain's main development pressure group winning changes for the world's poor in issues like trade, debt, aid and environment/development. http://www.wdm.org.uk
Development Education Association (DEA) UK Expand view 29-31 Cowper Street London EC2A 4AT Works as an international umbrella organisation for over 200 member organisations working to raise the awareness and understanding of global and development issues in the UK. The Association offers training, advice, information and networking to members who work with schools, youth groups, adult education institutions, higher education and community organisations. Also aims to influence policy that impacts on development education at the local and international level http://www.dea.org.uk
Medical Action for Global Security (MEDACT) UK Expand view The Grayston Centre 28 Charles Square London N1 6HT An organisation of health professionals, challenging social and environmental barriers to health worldwide. It highlights the health impacts of violent conflict, poverty and environmental degradation and, with others, acts to eradicate them. Resource centre which is open to the public http://www.medact.org
Medical Research Council (MRC) UK Expand view 20 Park Crescent London W1N 4AL The MRC promoes and supports high-quality research and postgraduate training in the biomedical and other sciences with the aim of maintaining and improving human health. The MRC has laboratories in Uganda, The Gambia and Jamaica. The Resource Centre is not open to the public http://www.mrc.ac.uk
Streetwise Youth (SWY) UK Expand view 11 Eardley Crescent London SW5 9JS Works with male sex workers, encouraging safer sex and drug use. Aims to encaourage young men to develop choices in their lives. Works with men who want to leave prostitution and those who choose to remain in the industry http://www.swy.org.uk
AIDS Counselling and Education Trust (ACET) UK Expand view PO Box 3693 London SW15 2BS UK Aims to provide unconditional support to those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. Equips and enables young people to make healthy and informed choices about their sexual behaviour http://www.acetuk.org
National Portage Association (NPA) UK Expand view 127 Monks Dale Yeovil Somerset BA21 3JE http://www.portage.org.uk
National Information Forum UK Expand view Post Point 905 BT Burne House, Bell Street London NW1 5BZ The National Information Forum is a voluntary organisation committed to encouraging the provision of accessible information, by every means possible, for disabled people, young people leaving care or custody, gypsies, travellers, refugees and anyone else disadvantaged in gaining access to information. Produces accessible and affordable guides and manuals that can be ordered online. http://www.nif.org.uk