
Population Concern


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Studio 325, Highgate Studios
53-79 Highgate Road
London NW5 1TL

Works for the improvement of the quality of life worldwide by advancing the right of all people (with an emphasis on women and young people) to exercise free and informed reproductive health choices, and to have access to confidential family planning and sexual and reproductive health services

Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH)


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PO Box 30259, Secretariat
Ibadan, Oyo State

ARFH's vision is to ensure the improved reproductive health status of individuals in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa. Its mission is to initiate, promote, and implemetn quality community based reroductive health programmes that meet the needs of men, women and youth through training, technical assistance and programme support to individuals ans organisations in Nigeria and eleswhere in Africa. The ARFH resource centre is open to the public

Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Support (BASICS)


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VDN X Route du font de Tene
PO Box 3746

Key goals for BASIC II are to achieve increased use of effective, improved and sustainable child health interventions and improving infant and child health and nutrition and reducing infant and child mortality. The resource centre is open to the public. The BASICS II website provides on-line access to electronic documents produced by BASICS and its partners

Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP)


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PO Box 5601

CEDEP's overall objectives are; To empower disadvantaged groups, community-based organisations and institutions to work for the rights of their members and ensure the recognition of their needs and capacities by the structures of authority. To sensitise critical actors in society to protect the rights of the marginalised and ensure the recognition of the needs and capabilities of the latter by the structures of authority. To enhance women's ability to improve the quality of their lives through participatory decision-making, access to and control of resources, skills and benefits. To improve the quality of life of the youth through the aquisition of relevant skills and knowledge to enable them to make informed decisions in economic and social matters. To enter into partnership and joint ventures with identifiable organisations for mutual socio-economic benefit. To develop a strong network with other organisations in order to influence macro socio-economic policy

GTZ Regional AIDS Programme for Africa (GTZ - RAPA)


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PO Box 9698 KIA
North Labone, Accra

Aims & Objectives: To promote the integration of HIV/AIDS activities in GTZ projects in Africa To contribute to the international partnership against AIDS in Africa (c/o UNAIDS) To share information and documentation with partners

Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG)


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PO Box 5756
Accra - North

The aim is for Ghana to become a country in which the youth are well informed about sexual and reproductive issues and can confidently exercise their right of choice of Sexual and Reproductive Health services without fear and/or any obstacle from any sector of the society The resource centre is open to the public

National Council on Women and Development (NCWD)


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P O Box 304

NCWD's objectives are to advise the government on all matters relating to the full integration of women into national development; to serve as the official national body liasing with national and international organisations on matters relating to the status of women; and to collect and disseminate information relating to gender and development and to undertake and encourage intervention work regarding gender issues. The resource centre is open to the public

National Council on Women and Development (NCWD)


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PO Box 38

NCWD's goal is to promote the advancement of women in Ghana by enhancing women's participation in development and in the long run to eliminate inequality between the sexes, thereby raising the standard of living on a broad national basis. The NCWD resoucrce centre is open to the public

Developing Countries Health Radio Network


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Volta Region

Aims to provide primary medical care in conjunction with epidemic prevention services to youth, mothers, the elderly and children under five; to identify health service delivery problems through situation analysis studies and other diagnostic approaches and disseminating such information nationwide; and to train community health workers to take primary health care to rural communities. Its resource centre is not open to the public

Youth Development Foundation (YDF)


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PO Box 4941

YDF was started by young people at the University of Ghana. It is aimed at young people between the ages of 10 and 24, especially out of school children and street youth in urban and rural areas. It works in the area of population, family life and reproductive health, environmental issues and skills training. It has 11 projects in West Africa, setting up youth centres in rural areas particulary aimed at out of school youth and providing reproductive health information. The resource centre is open to the public.

Ghana Red Cross Society (GRCS)


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PO Box 3198

Aims to alleviate human suffering through providing relief to disaster victims and assisting communities to prevent disasters; improving the lives of the most vulnerable through programmes, services and advocacy; and protecting the environment through tree planting, sanitation and environmental programmes

Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET)


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24 Eversholt Street
London NW1 1AD

THET assists those who are responsible for training health care workers in the poorer countries of the world to reach their goals, so that they are able to prepare those who are being trained in the most appropriate and effective way for the tasks that they will be called to do, relevant to the needs of local communities. THET works with institutions and does not respond to individual applications for help. Much of the work of the Trust is to enable individuals to reach their goals set for them in the context of their home University or other instituation. To work with partners in Africa to strengthen healthcare training. By responding to their needs and working over long time scales we aim to help our partners to achieve their goals. Our work builds on the existing infrastructure and compliments the efforts of health authorities. We have been established for 15 years and have long term relationships with health institutions and professionals in over 8 african countries and with more than 18 UK hospital trusts.

Inter Care (Medical Aid for Africa)


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46 The Halcroft
Leicester LE7 1LD

Aims to support the medical work of African Catholic nuns in rural areas in the specified countries. The support also includes workshops on diabetes and other relevant topics

Y Care International (YMCA)


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3-9 Southampton Row
London WC1B 5HY

The international development agency of the YMCA movement. Focuses on the needs and contributions of young people in the developing world, who face the severest of economic and social conditions. They aim to provide financial support for projects that aim to promote self-sufficiency. Funds are chanelled through local YMCAs, which develop projects with their local communities. They aim to broaden the opportunities available to marginalised young people and enable them to escape the poverty trap. They also aim to raise the awareness of development issues in the UK
