Group of Prevention of AIDS (GPSIDA) Cuba Expand view Sanatorio Santiago de las Vegas Carratera al Rincon Km 1 1/2 Boyeras Cuidad de la Habana GPSIDA's objectives are to contribute to social support to people affected and infected by HIV; to undertake educative actions to improve the quality of life of HIV+ people; to contribute to an increased knowledge of people about STDs and HIV/AIDS; to contribute to changing people's attitudes and behaviours to decrease their risk of infection; and to contribute to the development of positive attitudes towards people affected and infected by HIV. The small resource centre is not open to the public
Comite Regional de Promociónde Salud Comunitaria (CRPSC) Nicaragua Expand view Apartido 3267 Managua The Regional Committee for the Promotion of Community Health is a regional network of community-based organisations and movements. It promotes advocacy and training in Primary Health Care through its national coordinating organisation. Present activity is concerned with the defence of the right to health