
Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand (PPAT)


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8 Soi Vibhavadi-Rangsit 44
Bangkok 10900

PPAT's objectives are to provide information, guidance, counselling, education and training about family planning, reproductive/sexual health, sex education, family life education, empowerment of women and quality of life development for the general public and more specifically its target groups. It also aims to stimulate and promote the individual's responsibility toward their families in order to improve the quality of life of each family and community, and the country as a whole. It has a network of 7 clinics. The resource centre is open to the public



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100 Church Road
Middlesex TW11 8QE

Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Over the last 40 years, we have been gathering knowledge and sharing it with those who want to see poverty reduced and justice restored across the world. 

Tearfund resources are available to download free of charge including training materials, case studies, international magazine Footsteps and more. 

The Learning Zone Provides resources, case studies and advice for grassroots church and development workers and development professionals, and in-depth analysis for policymakers.

Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)


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37/1 Soi Petchburi 15
Petchburi Rd
Bangkok 10400

PATH is an international NGO dedicated to improving health and family planning services in developing countries by the development, adaptation and production of appropriate technological and communication materials. PATH directs an HIV/AIDS education and prevention project for Injecting drug users. It is also developing HIV/AIDS counselling material and workshops for all sectors of society. PATH finances the development of locally produced contraceptives and new testing technology. The resource centre is not open to the public

Oxfam Community Aid Abroad (OCAA)


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156 George Street
Victoria 3065

OCAA aims to work in a professional, flexible, responsive, strategic and innovative manner with vulnerable communities so that these communitites can participate in, and take control over their own development. They can do this by working collaboratively with us, the Oxfam International community, and with Oxfam Community Aid Abroad's partners in the field who in turn participate with these vulnerable communitites in their development. Oxfam Community Aids Abroad will achieve for the poor and marginalised, a fairer world in which more of them exercise their basic rights, control their own lives and the environment in which the depend is better sustained. The resource centre is open to the public

Banteay Srei


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PO Box 529
Phnom Penh

Aims to improve the standard of living and the well-being of poor women and their families, by working with women to reduce their vulnerability and low social status. The Banteay Srei project therefore works to improve women's economic and social empowerment through activities focusing on food and economic security for women and their families; awareness raising about women's rights and reproductive health; strengthening women's groups and their management skills; building self-confidence and leadership; and through advocacy for women's rights. The resource centre is not open to the public

Finnish Disabled People's International Development Association (FIDIDA)


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Lintulahdenkatu 10, 00500 Helsinki

FIDIDA is together with its member organizations implementing a programme called the Finnish Disability and Development Partnership, which aims at the full realization of the human rights of persons with disabilities living in the Global South. FIDIDA also offers training and consultation in disability related development cooperation, and lobbies for the mainstreaming of disability issues in national and international development policy



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100 Church Road
TW11 8QE

Tearfund is a Christian international relief and development agency with more than 40 years' experience. We work with partners and the local church across the world to tackle the complex challenges of poverty. Tearfund is recognised as a leader in its work, integrating community development, disaster response and recovery, disaster risk reduction and advocacy.  Tearfund works in more than 50 countries worldwide, in partnership with communities, churches and local organisations to overcome poverty and injustice. 

CIET International


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511 Avenue of the Americas #132
New York, NY 10011

CIET is an international group of professionals from a variety of disciplines, including epidemiology, medicine, planning, communications and other social sciences, who bring scientific research methods to community levels. By involving people at these levels in information gathering and analysis, CIET helps them to participate, in an increasingly informed way, in decisions that affect their lives. Through both formal and on-the-job training over a series of reiterative survey cycles, CIET shares its collective skills and its methods with national, regional and local planners to help develop local stakeholder information systems and build indigenous capacities for evidence-based planning and action. CIET is also an academic centre, based at the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero in Mexico that provides formal training in evidence-based planning through short courses and an intensive eight-week course as well as through diploma, masters and doctoral programmes. In addition to New York and Mexico, it also has offices in Nicaragua, Pakistan, London, Ottawa and Johannesburg

ActionAid International

South Africa

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PostNet Suite No 248
Private Bag x31
Saxonwold 2132

ActionAid International works in 35 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Through long term development, relief and peace building work, ActionAid aims to secure lasting improvements in people's quality of lives and to support poor and marginalised groups to secure their basic rights to live a more fulfilled and dignified life. ActionAid works in partnership with over 2,000 civil society partners ranging from village-based AIDS support and women’s credit groups to national peasants’ movements and global education campaigns. ActionAid also works with national and local governments in poor countries to ensure that they respect, protect and fulfil their citizens’ human rights. ActionAid’s work reaches 13 million of the world’s poorest people and it employs 1,800 staff - 90% of them from developing countries

Salvation Centre Cambodia (SCC)


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28C St 390
Boung Keng Kang III
Phnom Penh

The aim of SCC is to make a significant contribution to HIV prevention and AIDS care, including working together with communities in Cambodia to provide support to children affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. SCC has a pagoda-based network of Buddhist monks and nuns in Phnom Penh, Battambang and Siem Reap, providing HIV prevention education and AIDS care, as well as responding to the stigma and discrimination that is often associated with HIV/AIDS

ASSERT & Timor Loro S'ae Centre for Prosthetics & Orthotic


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Cambodia Trust
PO Box 122
Phnom Penh

Campaigning and working for equal rights for disabled people in an inclusive society. Equal rights and opportunities are promoted through rehabilitation, capacity building and advocacy. The organisation provides inexpensive and easily accessible rehab, prosthetic &orthotic services for the physically disabled. CBR methods are used to identify people that require support and help to access rehabilitation. The organisation also provides skills training and micro-credit schemes.

Terre Des Hommes Switzerland


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Terre des hommes
Avenue de Montchoisi 15
CH-1006 Lausanne
4018 Basel

Created in 1960's, the mission of Terre de hommes has been to come to the aid of children in need.  The mission aims to defend the rights of children, in times of war and natural disasters or distress.  Terre de hommes has developed in two core areas: healthcare and child protection.
