Hope Worldwide CI|Centre d'Assistance Socio-Médicale (CASM) Côte d'Ivoire Expand view BP 1021 Cidex 06 Abidjan CASM aims to: Provide comprehensive care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and those affected. Develop a care continum both locally and nationally. Strengthen the community capacity and response to HIV/AIDS. Provide a forum for discussion and information transfer on subjects realted to HIV/AIDS. Use effective participatory prevention strategies among youth and other vulnerable groups. Promote an effective network of NGOs
GTZ Regional AIDS Programme for Africa (GTZ - RAPA) Ghana Expand view PO Box 9698 KIA North Labone, Accra Aims & Objectives: To promote the integration of HIV/AIDS activities in GTZ projects in Africa To contribute to the international partnership against AIDS in Africa (c/o UNAIDS) To share information and documentation with partners
Collectif des ONG de Lutte contre le SIDA en Cote d'Ivoire (COSCI) Côte d'Ivoire Expand view BP 585 Cidex 03 Abidjan This collective aims to develop and coordinate the action of NGOs and other organisations working in the field of HIV and STD prevention and education
Institute of Research and Behavioural Studies (IRESCO) Cameroon Expand view BP 13888 Yaounde IRESCO contributes to the identification of the needs of African populations and finds appropriate solutions to their problems. It encourages the emergence of interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, and promotes the consideration of behavioural research as an indispensible factor of socio-economic development. Resource centre open to the public http://www.iresco.org
Lumiere Action Côte d'Ivoire Expand view 14 BP2101 Abidjan Aims to give psychological and social support to people living with HIV. To provide information to help the prevention of HIV. To fight for the rights of people living with HIV as well as many other discriminations. To promote the access to clinical carre and therapy treatment. Resource centre open to the public
Ruban Rouge Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire Expand view 22 BP 1211 Abidjan 22 Ruban-Rouge's aims to combat the spread of AIDS/HIV. This fight is based on raising the awareness of people about AIDS, and taking care of PLAs. The resource centre is open to the public http://www.presseci.com/rubanrouge/
Enterpriseworks Worldwide USA Expand view 1828 L Street NW Suite 1000 Washington DC 20036 Enterprise Works Worldwide generates economic growth and fights poverty in Afirca, Asia and Latin America through market-based development programmes that promote profitablity, environmentally sustainable microenterprises. By systematically improving production, processing and marketing, EnterpriseWorks helps small-scale farmers and manufacturers increase productivity, expand operations, form new regional and international business links, and ultimately capture more of the value of their products EnterpriseWorks focuses on five progrsmme areas: Coffee and tree crops, Energy, Farming & Food Processing, Livestock, and Natural Products http://www.enterpriseworks.org
ADD International UK Expand view The Old Church School Butts Hill Frome BA11 1HR ADD's aim is to support the development of a representative and effective disability movement made up of self help organisations of disabled people, actively promoting the rights of all disabled adults and children for full inclusion in society. It also aims to influence development practices and policy makers to include the rights and needs of disabled people in their work Previously ADD (Action on Disability and Development) http://www.add.org.uk