Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Over the last 40 years, we have been gathering knowledge and sharing it with those who want to see poverty reduced and justice restored across the world. Tearfund resources are available to download free of charge including training materials, case studies, international magazine Footsteps and more. The Learning Zone Provides resources, case studies and advice for grassroots church and development workers and development professionals, and in-depth analysis for policymakers. http://tilz.tearfund.org
GTZ Regional AIDS Programme for Africa (GTZ - RAPA) Ghana Expand view PO Box 9698 KIA North Labone, Accra Aims & Objectives: To promote the integration of HIV/AIDS activities in GTZ projects in Africa To contribute to the international partnership against AIDS in Africa (c/o UNAIDS) To share information and documentation with partners
Youth Development Foundation (YDF) Ghana Expand view PO Box 4941 Kumasi YDF was started by young people at the University of Ghana. It is aimed at young people between the ages of 10 and 24, especially out of school children and street youth in urban and rural areas. It works in the area of population, family life and reproductive health, environmental issues and skills training. It has 11 projects in West Africa, setting up youth centres in rural areas particulary aimed at out of school youth and providing reproductive health information. The resource centre is open to the public.
Association SOS SIDA|Jeunesse Mobilisee Burkina Faso Expand view 01 B P 2162 Ougadougou 01 SOS SIDA aim to improve the education of rural and urban population on AIDS and Health and Sexual reproduction. Its objectives are: counselling and voluntary HIV depositing; medical, psychological and social caretaking of people living with HIV/AIDS and HIV fatherless children (children whose parents have died of AIDS). The SOS SIDA resource centre is open to the public
Enterpriseworks Worldwide USA Expand view 1828 L Street NW Suite 1000 Washington DC 20036 Enterprise Works Worldwide generates economic growth and fights poverty in Afirca, Asia and Latin America through market-based development programmes that promote profitablity, environmentally sustainable microenterprises. By systematically improving production, processing and marketing, EnterpriseWorks helps small-scale farmers and manufacturers increase productivity, expand operations, form new regional and international business links, and ultimately capture more of the value of their products EnterpriseWorks focuses on five progrsmme areas: Coffee and tree crops, Energy, Farming & Food Processing, Livestock, and Natural Products http://www.enterpriseworks.org
The International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) UK Expand view 2C Leroy House 436 Essex Road London N1 3QP An organisation run for and by HIV positive women that exists to promote the voices and improve the situation of HIV positive women throughout the world. It aims to raise the awareness of HIV positive women's issues and promote affective action to address them; reduce the isolation of HIV positive women and overcome the stigma of HIV/AIDS; promote the rights of HIV positive women globally; and empower HIV positive women to address and promote changes in issues of importance to HIV positive women's lives https://www.wlhiv.org/?fbclid=IwAR1cJVJnYZ9wPs_aaA2zVeD21E4DcnrVtqW3QSj9gz8Kmx1jDqYlqm1j6YA
Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian international relief and development agency with more than 40 years' experience. We work with partners and the local church across the world to tackle the complex challenges of poverty. Tearfund is recognised as a leader in its work, integrating community development, disaster response and recovery, disaster risk reduction and advocacy. Tearfund works in more than 50 countries worldwide, in partnership with communities, churches and local organisations to overcome poverty and injustice. http://www.tearfund.org
CIET International USA Expand view 511 Avenue of the Americas #132 New York, NY 10011 CIET is an international group of professionals from a variety of disciplines, including epidemiology, medicine, planning, communications and other social sciences, who bring scientific research methods to community levels. By involving people at these levels in information gathering and analysis, CIET helps them to participate, in an increasingly informed way, in decisions that affect their lives. Through both formal and on-the-job training over a series of reiterative survey cycles, CIET shares its collective skills and its methods with national, regional and local planners to help develop local stakeholder information systems and build indigenous capacities for evidence-based planning and action. CIET is also an academic centre, based at the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero in Mexico that provides formal training in evidence-based planning through short courses and an intensive eight-week course as well as through diploma, masters and doctoral programmes. In addition to New York and Mexico, it also has offices in Nicaragua, Pakistan, London, Ottawa and Johannesburg http://www.ciet.org
ActionAid International South Africa Expand view PostNet Suite No 248 Private Bag x31 Saxonwold 2132 Johannesburg ActionAid International works in 35 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Through long term development, relief and peace building work, ActionAid aims to secure lasting improvements in people's quality of lives and to support poor and marginalised groups to secure their basic rights to live a more fulfilled and dignified life. ActionAid works in partnership with over 2,000 civil society partners ranging from village-based AIDS support and women’s credit groups to national peasants’ movements and global education campaigns. ActionAid also works with national and local governments in poor countries to ensure that they respect, protect and fulfil their citizens’ human rights. ActionAid’s work reaches 13 million of the world’s poorest people and it employs 1,800 staff - 90% of them from developing countries http://www.actionaid.org
Terre Des Hommes Switzerland Switzerland Expand view Terre des hommes Avenue de Montchoisi 15 CH-1006 Lausanne Postfach 4018 Basel Created in 1960's, the mission of Terre de hommes has been to come to the aid of children in need. The mission aims to defend the rights of children, in times of war and natural disasters or distress. Terre de hommes has developed in two core areas: healthcare and child protection. http://www.tdh.ch/
ADD International UK Expand view The Old Church School Butts Hill Frome BA11 1HR ADD's aim is to support the development of a representative and effective disability movement made up of self help organisations of disabled people, actively promoting the rights of all disabled adults and children for full inclusion in society. It also aims to influence development practices and policy makers to include the rights and needs of disabled people in their work Previously ADD (Action on Disability and Development) http://www.add.org.uk