Selection of 25 resources uploaded recently on Source, click on the title to see the full content:
1. Minimum standards for protection, gender and inclusion in emergencies - INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT SOCIETIES (IFRC), Geneva - 2018
2. AccountABILITY toolkit: a guide to using UN human rights mechanisms to advance the rights of women and girls with disabilities - PHILLIPS, Suzannah et al, WOMEN ENABLED INTERNATIONAL, Washington D.C. - 2017
3. At risk of exclusion from CRPD and SDGs implementation: Inequality and persons with deafblindness. Initial global report on situation and rights of persons with deafblindness - JENSEN, Rune et al, THE WORLD FEDERATION FOR THE DEAF BLIND - September 2018
4. Access to assistive products in Kurigram and Narsingdi, Bangladesh - HUMANITY & INCLUSION (HI), Bangladesh - August 2018
5. Mapping persons with disabilities (PWD) in Indonesia labour market: final report - Institute for Economic and Social Research Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia - INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION (ILO), Jakarta Office - 2017
6. India inclusion summit - INDIA INCLUSION SUMMIT - 2018
7. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, Volume 29, No.2, 2018 (Summer 2018) - VU e-Publishing, Amsterdam - July 2018
8. Exploring the links between water, sanitation and hygiene and disability; Results from a case-control study in Guatemala - KUPER, Hannah et al., PLOS ONE - June 2018
9. Invisible victims of sexual violence. Access to justice for women and girls with disabilities in India - HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH- April 2018
10. Facilitating inclusion in disaster preparedness: A practical guide for CBOs - INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RURAL RECONSTRUCTION (IIRR) and Give2Asia - November 2018
12. Challenges and priorities for global mental health in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) era - ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, London - June 2018
13. Disability stigma in developing countries - ROHWERDER, Brigitte, K4D Helpdesk Report. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton - May 2018
14. Making disability rights real in southeast Asia - COGBURN, Derrick and KEMPIN REUTER, Tina - LEXINGTON BOOKS - Mar 2017
15. Disability-inclusive social protection in Vietnam: A national overview with a case study from Cam Le district and Disability-inclusive social protection research in Nepal: A national overview with a case study from Tanahun district - BANKS, Lena M et al INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR EVIDENCE IN DISABILITY (ICED), London - 2018
16. Young persons with disabilities: Global study on ending gender-based violence, and realising sexual and reproductive health and rights - McCLOSKEY, Megan and MEYERS, Stephen, UNITIED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA), New York - July 2018
17. Saving lives and leaving no one behind - The Gaibandha Model for disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction - ROTHE, Manuel et al - CHRISTIAN BLIND MISSION (CBM), Bensheim - October 2018
18. From the day they are born: a qualitative study exploring violence against children with disabilities in West Africa - NJELESANI, Bridget et al, BMC Public Health - SPRINGER NATURE - January 2018
19. INCLUDE: A Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) learning community - WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), Geneva
20. Asia disability toolkit - COMMUNITY BUSINESS - December 2017
21. Human rights of refugee-survivors of sexual and gender-based violence with communication disability - MARSHALL, Julie and BARRETT, Helen, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology - TAYLOR AND FRANCIS - November 2017
22. Learning From Experience: Guidelines for locally sourced and cost-effective strategies for hygiene at home for people with high support needs - WORLD VISION and CBM AUSTRALIA - May 2018
23. Assistive technology and people: a position paper from the first global research, innovation and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit - DESMOND, Deirdre et al., - TAYLOR AND FRANCIS - May 2018
24. Social inclusion, care and belonging of children with spina bifida: perspectives from Uganda - BANNINK, Femke, Afrika Focus - AFRICA PLATFORM OF GHENT UNIVERSITY ASSOCIAION(GAP) and AFRIKA FOCUS - February 2017
25. Advancing the access of deafblind women and girls to sexual and reproductive health - VISUAL HEARING IMPAIRMENT MEMBERSHIP ASSOCIATION (VIHEMA), Making It Work, HUMANITY & INCLUSION, Lyons